official event
The 9th edition of Veronafiere and Vinitaly's wine selection will be held this year on Tuesday, April 1, Wednesday, April 2 and Thursday, April 3. During the three-day blind tasting, 60 international judges taste and rate the participating wines. This evaluative feedback testifies to the judgment not only of some of the most distinguished experts in the field, but also that of international palates.
The Jury is composed of Judges, Panel Chairs, and General Chairs carefully selected among Masters of Wine, Master Sommeliers, WSET Diplomates, Italian Wine Ambassadors and Experts from the Vinitaly International Academy, journalists, and other important figures in the industry. The General Chairs for this edition are Pedro Ballesteros Torres MW, Master of Wine and Italian Wine Ambassador of the Vinitaly International Academy, Robert Joseph, Associate Editor of Meininger's Wine Business International, Bernard Burtschy, PhD, wine columnist for Les Echos; Daniele Cernilli, wine critic and founder of DoctorWine, and Andrea Lonardi MW, Italy's second Master of Wine.
The Selection culminates in the publication of the wines that scored equal to or greater than 90/100 in the official guide 5StarWines – the Book, which follows Vinitaly in its stops around the world and is distributed at major trade fairs, Grand Tastings, and other events with highly profiled buyers and wine lovers. Within the Book, a page is dedicated to each selected wine complete with photos, information about the winery, score and tasting notes written by the judges. 5StarWines - the Book is written in English, the language of international business, to give ample scope for promoting the selected wines. It is a guarantee of quality for the wines it contains and actively witnesses their value on the global market.
At the end of the Selection, during Vinitaly, special Trophies are also awarded to the top performing wines in each category. A special ceremony, live-streamed on this portal is dedicated to the awarding of these prizes. The ceremony is followed by a tasting aimed at international wine professionals and wine press.