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Registrations are opened for Veronafiere’s wine selection 5StarWines – the Book

Registrations are opened for Veronafiere’s wine selection 5StarWines – the Book
March 23 2021

June 16-18, 2021, are the new dates of 5StarWines – the Book, the wine selection organized by Veronafiere currently in its fifth edition. Around 100 wine experts, including MWs, journalists, MSs, and other high-profile professionals, will gather in Verona for a three-day tasting to rate an international range of top wines. Last year’s edition of 5StarWines – the Book culminated with over 2000 wines tasted of which 847 were selected and published in the digital and paper copy of the Guide, designed to function as an international marketing tool featuring the highest-ranking wines.


This year’s registrations opened on March 22nd: all wineries are able to enjoy special early-bird discounts of 15% until March 29th, 2021. Registration to 5StarWines – the Book can be done here: Once the labels have been registered, the winery will have to send the samples to the dedicated warehouse by courier in the period between March 22 and May 25, 2021. After arriving at the warehouse, samples will be anonymized by the staff and selected judges will then be provided with credentials to access the online platform dedicated to tasting, where they will be able to perform the evaluation, under the supervision of the committee of General Chairmen.

This year signs the 5th edition of 5StarWines & Wine Without Walls, and will be held in the days between June 16 and 18, 2021, with further news for participating producers. An exciting addition to the event is the new registration platform for the event, which allows the access to a personal page in order to view the results of the selection and to download a media kit dedicated to the promotion of the selected wines. Moreover, producers of top performing wines will have the opportunity to take part to dedicated tastings and podcast interviews, thanks to the renewed collaboration with Italian Wine Podcast.

As usual, the wines that acheive a score equal or higher than 90/100, will be published in the 2022 edition of the printed and digital Guide 5StarWines – the Book, distributed internationally in occasion of the main trade shows, B2B meetings, tastings and masterclasses and digitally sent to more than 10,000 professionals of the wine business. Each selected wine will also be promoted on social platforms with score received and tasting notes written by the judges.


This year signs the 5th edition of 5StarWines & Wine Without Walls, and will be held in the days between June 16 and 18, 2021, with further news for participating producers.

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