Attendance at Vinitaly is trade only.
“Sommelier for passion” and “My company does NOT exhibit at Vinitaly” that would like to buy a daily ticket, will be able to access the exhibition only on Sunday and/or Wednesday.
The organizer reserves the right at its complete discretion to modify this timetable, as well as to suspend entrance by trade operators and any and all business activity for certain periods in relation to organisational requirements.
Attendance at the event is on payment and trade only after compulsory registration and indication of the date of the visit; once the admission ticket has been redeemed, it will not be possible to change either the name or the date of the visit indicated.
Dates and timetable
From 6 to 9 April 2025
From Sunday to Tuesday, from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM, with access allowed until 5:00 PM
On Wednesday, from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM, with access allowed until 2:30 PM
Customer Care
T. +39 045 11176091 - Monday-Friday, 9.00 am-6.00 pm
Children under the age of 18 will not be admitted, even if accompanied by an adult.
Dog entry:
Dogs area allowed inside the Veronafiere Exhibition centre, with access restrictions to conference rooms and places prohibited by law.
All dogs must be equipped with a collar and identification elements in accordance with current regulations and must be kept on a solid leash no longer than 80 cm.
All large dogs, such as Mastiffs, Great Danes, Dobermans, Shepherds , as well as dogs of a biting nature, must also be equipped with a suitable muzzle. Dog owners who will visit the trade fairs are advised to have with them the health booklet containing the canine registry registration code. Law enforcement dogs, when used for institutional purposes, may be kept without a leash and muzzle.
Free entrance tickets are available for Italian and international disabled visitors with documentation certifying one of the following requirements:
No reductions are provided for disabilities below 67%.
Free admission will only be granted to accompanying persons where indicated by legal documentation or by the appropriate indication on the Disability Card.
The handling of gratuities for Events involving fixed seating is subject to limitation due to the defined number of seats available to disabled persons.
Attendance at these events will be by reservation only, which may be issued upon presentation of a request by disabled users.
Entrance gates with dedicated turnstiles. Specific bathrooms Restaurants on the ground floor; other restaurants accessed by lifts.
For specific transport requirements, contact service staff available at all times in the Exhibition Centre.
Access is allowed to the following categories in compliance with the days dedicated to them: