Verona, 28 January 2025. The pilot project that will expand content at Vinitaly 2025 sets off from Jeddah. No-Low alcohol (NoLo) wines officially join the offering at 57th International Wine and Spirits Exhibition scheduled at Veronafiere 6-9 April.
The announcement was made yesterday in the Saudi city by top management of Veronafiere S.p.A. during the “Italian Grapes Reimagined: An Alcohol-Free Tasting Experience” master class focused entirely on alcohol-free wines and zero alcohol cocktails organised by Vinitaly during the promotional stop-off by the Italian Navy's training sailing ship Amerigo Vespucci. A prologue event within the scope of the development plan for the Show designed to complete the assets of the only trade fair brand promoting Made in Italy wine.
The President of Veronafiere, Federico Bricolo, commented: “Vinitaly is a crossroads for trends that it has always intercepted, monitored and analysed in order to improve services and content for our exhibitors and the sector as a whole. In this context, NoLo wines will join the exhibition programme for the first time this year to strengthen the role of Vinitaly by welcoming opens new markets and responding to the challenges of evolution in demand.”
"The pilot project ranging from the product to training and dedicated technology," continued the General Manager of Veronafiere, Adolfo Rebughini, "will be consolidated in the course of coming editions to become a structural part of the event. The aim is to represent a complementary market for denomination wines currently enjoying strong growth on a global scale as well as to improve competitiveness of Vinitaly in times of far-reaching transformation in this sector."
At present, the alcohol-free programme at Vinitaly 2025 includes two focus areas: “Zero alcohol and market expectations” (8 April) and “Technology 0.0: production and innovation compared” (9 April) developed in collaboration with the Italian Wine Union (UIV) and the support of the UIV-Vinitaly Observatory to interpret the evolution of this market segment. In exhibition terms, Vinitaly 2025 will present a Wine Showcase specifically for alcohol-free wines, with an exclusive serving counter, while NoLo wines will also star in the cocktails in the Mixology Pavilion.